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Mes livres

Sur cette page, vous pouvez voir la liste de tous les livres de Kim Michaels publiés en anglais. Certains sont répertoriés en tant que livres électroniques uniquement ; le reste est disponible sous forme de livres imprimés et de livres électroniques. Les livres sont répertoriés avec les titres les plus récents en premier. Les livres imprimés et Ebooks sont publiés par More to Life, mais sont également disponibles auprès d’Amazon et d’autres revendeurs majeurs. Les livres imprimés peuvent être commandés par n’importe quelle librairie auprès du grossiste Ingram.

Modern Mind, Modern Buddha – Ebook, 2024, 450 pages
Decrees and Invocations – 3 Ebooks, 2024, 2000 pages
Connecting with your Spiritual Teachers – Ebook, 2024, 400 pages
Getting the Life Experience You Want – Reality Simulator Manual – Ebook, 2022, 400 pages
Ending the Era of Ideology, 2022, 542 pages
Freedom from Internal Spirits, 2021, 384 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Power, 2021, 450 pages
The Spiritual Liberation of Women, 2020, 626 pages
Being Spiritual in an Anti-spiritual Society, 2020, 482 pages
Ending the Era of Elitism, 2020, 678 pages
Ending the Era of Fanaticism, 2020, 652 pages
Ending the Era of Dictatorships, 2020, 488 pages
Accepting Saint Germain’s Golden Age, 2019, 580 pages
A Spiritual Clearance for America, 2019, 370 pages
Spiritual Solutions to America’s Problems, 2019, 712 pages
Making Peace with Being on Earth, 2019, 358 pages
Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential, 2019, 392 pages
Fulfilling Your Divine Plan, 2019, 348 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Freedom, 2019, 394 pages
Healing Your Spiritual Traumas, 2018, 496 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Peace, 2018, 384 pages
My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus, 2017, 576 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Vision, 2017, 440 pages
Manifesting Saint Germain’s Golden Age, 2016, 532 pages
Envisioning Saint Germain’s Golden Age, 2016, 490 pages
Help Saint Germain Stop Poverty, 2016, 452 pages
Help People Overcome the Past, 2016, 558 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Intention, 2016, 316 pages
Help the Ascended Masters Stop War, 2015, 534 pages
Warrior of Peace, 2015, 224 pages
How You Can Help Change the World, 2015, 258 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Love, 2015, 302 pages
Cosmology of Evil, 2014, 324 pages
Psychology of Evil, 2014, 264 pages
Getting Results on the Spiritual Path – Ebook only, 2014
Don’t Drink Your Own Kool-Aid, 2014, 350 pages
What Would Jesus Say about Christianity, 2014, 214 pages
The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom, 2014, 290 pages
Your Life’s Plan for Abundance – A Course in Abundance, 2014, 432 pages
Expressing Your Love for Life – A Course in Abundance, 2014, 378 pages
Mind Over Matter – A Course in Abundance, 2014, 344 pages
How Mystics Can Unify Science and Religion, 2014, 284 pages
Heal Your Life by Forgiving Everything, 2014, 382 pages
Was Jesus a New Age Guru?, 2014, 230 pages
Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras, 2014, 366 pages
How to Communicate From the Heart, 2014, 322 pages
Freedom from Ego Dramas, 2013, 246 pages
Freedom from Ego Games, 2013, 236 pages
Freedom from Ego Illusions, 2013, 250 pages
Climbing Higher on the Mystical Path, 2013, 278 pages
Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus, 2013, 270 pages
The Mystical Teachings of Jesus, 2013, 348 pages
The Spiritual Road to Self-Esteem, 2013, 248 pages
The Song of Life Healing Matrix, 2013, 374 pages
The Creative Power Within, 2013, 274 pages
Flowing with the River of Life Exercise Book, 2013, 252 pages
Flowing with the River of Life, 2013, 272 pages
The Power of Self, 2013, 280 pages
The Secret Path Beyond Ego, 2012, 688 pages
Fallen Angels and the Psychology of Control, 2012, 696 pages
Invoking the Light of the Seven Rays – Ebook only, 2012, 400 pages
Healing Mother Earth, 2011, 480 pages
Invoking Light through Decrees and Affirmations – Ebook only, 2011, 600 pages
Invocations for World Transformation – Ebook only, 2011, 650 pages
Invocations for Personal Transformation – Ebook only, 2011, 650 pages
The Gospel for Busy People – Ebook only, 2011, 252 pages
Master Keys to Personal Christhood, 2008, 626 pages
I Love Jesus, I hate Christianity – Ebook only, 2007, 416 pages
Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom, 2007, 592 pages
The Art of Non-War, 2006, 228 pages
I Am a Thinking Christian – Ebook only, 2006, 286 pages
The Secret Coming of Christ – Ebook only, 2006, 236 pages
The Least You Should Know About Life – Ebook only, 2006, 168 pages
Master Keys to the Abundant Life, 2005, 600 pages, republié en 2014 comme A Course in Abundance en 3 tomes
The Jesus Koans, 2004, 168 pages
The Inner Path of Light, 2003, 302 pages
Creative Questions About Abortion – Ebook only, 1991 – 180 pages